1. First-Person Hand Action Benchmark Dataset | Papers With Code
First-Person Hand Action Benchmark is a collection of RGB-D video sequences comprised of more than 100K frames of 45 daily hand action categories.
First-Person Hand Action Benchmark is a collection of RGB-D video sequences comprised of more than 100K frames of 45 daily hand action categories, involving 26 different objects in several hand configurations.
2. EgoThink - Sijie Cheng
We introduce EgoThink, a novel visual question-answering benchmark that encompasses six core capabilities with twelve detailed dimensions.
Can Vision-Language Models Think from a First-Person Perspective?
3. First-Person Hand Action Benchmark with RGB-D Videos and 3D Hand ...
In this work we study the use of 3D hand poses to recognize first-person dynamic hand actions interacting with 3D objects.
Academic website
4. EgoThink: Evaluating First-Person Perspective Thinking Capability of ...
27 nov 2023 · We introduce EgoThink, a novel visual question-answering benchmark that encompasses six core capabilities with twelve detailed dimensions.
Vision-language models (VLMs) have recently shown promising results in traditional downstream tasks. Evaluation studies have emerged to assess their abilities, with the majority focusing on the third-person perspective, and only a few addressing specific tasks from the first-person perspective. However, the capability of VLMs to "think" from a first-person perspective, a crucial attribute for advancing autonomous agents and robotics, remains largely unexplored. To bridge this research gap, we introduce EgoThink, a novel visual question-answering benchmark that encompasses six core capabilities with twelve detailed dimensions. The benchmark is constructed using selected clips from egocentric videos, with manually annotated question-answer pairs containing first-person information. To comprehensively assess VLMs, we evaluate eighteen popular VLMs on EgoThink. Moreover, given the open-ended format of the answers, we use GPT-4 as the automatic judge to compute single-answer grading. Experimental results indicate that although GPT-4V leads in numerous dimensions, all evaluated VLMs still possess considerable potential for improvement in first-person perspective tasks. Meanwhile, enlarging the number of trainable parameters has the most significant impact on model performance on EgoThink. In conclusion, EgoThink serves as a valuable addition to existing evaluation benchmarks for VLMs, providing an indispensable resource for future research in the realm of embodied artificial intell...
5. [PDF] First-Person Hand Action Benchmark With RGB-D Videos and 3D Hand ...
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first benchmark that enables the study of first-person hand actions with the use of 3D hand poses.
6. First-Person Hand Action Benchmark with RGB-D Videos and 3D ... - arXiv
8 apr 2017 · In this work we study the use of 3D hand poses to recognize first-person dynamic hand actions interacting with 3D objects.
In this work we study the use of 3D hand poses to recognize first-person dynamic hand actions interacting with 3D objects. Towards this goal, we collected RGB-D video sequences comprised of more than 100K frames of 45 daily hand action categories, involving 26 different objects in several hand configurations. To obtain hand pose annotations, we used our own mo-cap system that automatically infers the 3D location of each of the 21 joints of a hand model via 6 magnetic sensors and inverse kinematics. Additionally, we recorded the 6D object poses and provide 3D object models for a subset of hand-object interaction sequences. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first benchmark that enables the study of first-person hand actions with the use of 3D hand poses. We present an extensive experimental evaluation of RGB-D and pose-based action recognition by 18 baselines/state-of-the-art approaches. The impact of using appearance features, poses, and their combinations are measured, and the different training/testing protocols are evaluated. Finally, we assess how ready the 3D hand pose estimation field is when hands are severely occluded by objects in egocentric views and its influence on action recognition. From the results, we see clear benefits of using hand pose as a cue for action recognition compared to other data modalities. Our dataset and experiments can be of interest to communities of 3D hand pose estimation, 6D object pose, and robotics as well as action recognition.
7. 3DMark benchmark for Windows, Android and iOS
3DMark includes everything you need to benchmark your PC and mobile devices in one app. Whether you're gaming on a PC, a tablet or a smartphone,
Benchmark your PC, tablet and smartphone with 3DMark, The Gamer's Benchmark. Free download, start benchmarking today.
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8. First- and Third-Person Perspectives in Immersive Virtual Environments
17 jul 2017 · Concerning users' performance, our results demonstrate that the first-person perspective enables more accurate interactions, while the third- ...
Current design of virtual reality (VR) applications relies essentially on the transposition of users’ viewpoint in first-person perspective (1PP). Within thi...
9. Games with built-in benchmarks 2024: how to benchmark your PC
Integrated benchmarks are also handy if you're overclocking or adjusting game settings, as you can see how much of a difference your changes are making in a ...
These games include built-in benchmarks, making them useful for testing gaming PCs and laptops. This way, you can test how strong your PC is in a real game, getting results that are easily comparable between different machines running different hardware. Integrated benchmarks are also handy if you're overclocking or adjusting game settings, as you can
10. 3DMark.com - Share and compare scores from UL Solutions ...
Try out the demo first, or unlock its full potential immediately. ... Test and compare the gaming performance of your PC with 3DMark, the number one benchmarking ...
Share and compare benchmark scores from 3DMark, PCMark and VRMark benchmarks. Check out the world's fastest PCs in our Overclocking Hall of Fame.
11. Immersive First Person View - Skyrim Special Edition - Nexus Mods
10 aug 2021 · Lets you see your character's body when in first person view. Also enables first person view for Horse, Crafting, Werewolf and Vampire Lord.
Lets you see your character's body when in first person view. Also enables first person view for Horse, Crafting, Werewolf and Vampire Lord.
12. First Person vs. Third Person Perspective in Digital Games
It has been argued whether the player perspective can influence the level of player's involvement with the game. The aim of this study was to research whether ...
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13. Review: Immortals of Aveum - Magische first person 3D-shooter ...
Review: Immortals of Aveum – Magische first person 3D-shooter met benchmark graphics ... Google Pixel Watch 3. Drie Jaar Software Updates voor Google Pixel ...
Immortals of Aveum (IoA) is een first-person 3D-shooter op basis van magie. Toen we de teasers zagen kregen we het idee dat IoA een van de grote zomer-hits zou zijn. Toch was er redelijk wat cynisme vanuit de gamemedia over of deze game daadwerkelijk kon slagen. Dit is de eerste…