DIY 2-Ingredient Makeup Remover (Without Coconut Oil) (2025)

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DIY 2-Ingredient Makeup Remover (Without Coconut Oil) (1)

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Without coconut oil?

Kristin, Kristin, Kristin. I thought you were a natural gal- AKA: a lover of all-things coconut oil? Acoconut-oil-heals- every-ailment blogger…

Have a boo boo? Coconut oil!

Frizzy hair? Coconut oil!

Grumpy kids? Coconut oil!

A cup of black coffee? Coconut oil!

Okay, so maybe you aren’t thinking the above thoughts, but I am.

DIY 2-Ingredient Makeup Remover (Without Coconut Oil) (2)

Between Thursday’s super weird granola bar dream confession (#sorry) and today’s random self mumblings, if you’re still here, thank you!You’re such a good friend!

So, back to coconut oil. Or in this recipe, back to not using coconut oil.

DIY 2-Ingredient Makeup Remover (Without Coconut Oil) (3)

Shortly after my first homemade product, foundation powder, I learned about a magical white substance: coconut oil. Of course, I just had to get my hands on a jar. I’ll admit the taste wasn’t pleasing (I’m not a straight-up coconut fan), but I was determined and found ways toincorporate this miracle substance into my family’s diet: smoothies, frying (plantains and chicken), baking, and Bulletproof Coffee. Since we were already eating coconut oil and I was looking for ways to reduce the toxins in our home caused by many traditional store-bought products, I decided to venture into the world of DIY coconut oil recipes.

My first DIY coconut oil recipe was a super simplethree-ingredient moisturizer for the face and body. Instant love! The coconut oil moisturizer was easy, cost-effective and worked wonders on my skin within just a few days. I was hooked.

DIY 2-Ingredient Makeup Remover (Without Coconut Oil) (4)

I continued to use my homemade moisturizer for over a year, until I noticed my skin was experiencing grumpy issues. While my skin has always been more on the sensitive side, the moisturizer appearedto escalate its grumpiness. Breakouts and dryness appearedon various parts of my face.

After much research, I learned some skin types don’t respond well to prolonged cosmetic useof coconut oil. My coconut oil moisturizer is a great product(the reason I left it on the blog), and many readerscomment on that one recipe about their pleasing skin results, but my skin needed a temporary break.

Idecided to try my creative hands at a new DIY moisturizer.My skin immediately thanked me for the change. After a couple of months I decided to post the recipe here onLive Simply. Homemade lotion (without coconut oil) has been live for over a year. The number of comments from readers in need of a product without coconut oil due to allergies or skin issues has confirmed my belief–coconut oil is amazing, but doesn’t solve every ailment for every person.

I think all this coconut oil talk begs the question: Is coconut bad for the skin?

This is 100% my personal opinion based on my own research and experiences.

I don’t believe coconut oil is bad for cosmetic use. In fact, I think it’s an amazing product for many people. I also believe coconut oil doesn’t agree with some people’s skin, whether long-term or just short-term.

It’s so important to listen to our skin, which is why I offer recipes that use coconut oil and others that don’t. Everyone is different. I still use coconut oil in some body products, like my homemade deodorant, without any negative side effects. Homemade products allow you to truly listen to your skin’s needs and tailor DIY projects accordingly.

DIY 2-Ingredient Makeup Remover (Without Coconut Oil) (5)

Many homemade makeup removers require the use of coconut oil. In fact, if your skin tolerates coconut oil, using this one ingredient on a cotton ball or facial pad isasimple, inexpensive answer. If your skin needs a break from coconut oil or you have a coconut allergy, this recipe will remove makeup naturally without irritating the skin. Remember, getting to know your skin is always the answer when usingnatural skincare.

DIY 2-Ingredient Makeup Remover (Without Coconut Oil) (6)

DIY 2-Ingredient Makeup Remover (Without Coconut Oil) (7)

4.84 from 6 votes

2-ingredient makeup remover without coconut oil.

Kristin Marr

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Prep Time5 minutes mins

Total Time5 minutes mins

Course DIY

Cuisine Beauty, Body

Servings 1 /3 cup


  • 3 TB witch hazel
  • 2 TB jojoba oil or sweet almond, avocado, apricot kernel, olive oil, or fractionated coconut oil (if you want to use coconut oil). I like to use jojoba or olive oil.


  • Pour both ingredients into a small storage container.

  • To Use: Shake the bottle, then apply the makeup remover to a Q-Tip, cotton ball or facial pad. Wipe desired area (mascara, foundation, etc.) with the Q-Tip or ball/pad.


The “where to buy” links provide links to the actual products I use. As always, I recommend shopping around online and at local stores for the best prices and products you love. Find my favorite DIY ingredients and tools, here.

Tried this recipe?Let me know how it was!

Ingredient Notes

When you introduce water into a product without a preservative you always run the risk of introducing bacteria, so use water-based products quickly.

Witch hazel is a gentle and effective skin cleanser. The nourishing oil helps dissolve oil and cleanse the face. When paired together, the ingredients are gentle on the skin (concealer foundation, powder, and blush) and the eye area (mascara, eyeliner, eyeshadow). Use caution around the eye area. Avoid using this recipe in your eye–this can happen when too much solution is applied.

DIY 2-Ingredient Makeup Remover (Without Coconut Oil) (8)

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DIY 2-Ingredient Makeup Remover (Without Coconut Oil) (12)

Kristin Marr

Kristin is the creator and editor-in-chief of Live Simply. Kristin is married to her high school sweetheart, Dustin, and is the mom to two kids and two free-roam (litterbox-trained) bunnies, Leo and Estela. Kristin started Live Simply in 2013 to share her passion for real food and natural living.


DIY 2-Ingredient Makeup Remover (Without Coconut Oil) (2025)


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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.